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Buy RedcelTea Tea for the pain of Sickle Cell Disease Buy RedcelTea Tea for the pain of Sickle Cell Disease

About RedCEL Tea

Why Choose RedCEL™ tea?
There are many reasons why you should choose RedCEL™ Tea above other tea products. Here are a few reasons to consider below:

'' Wow! This tastes so good '', is the first reaction most people have to RedCEL™ tea. RedCEL™ tea has a fruity and floral aroma; One could even say it smells like a good perfume. The flavor profile is kind of similar to that of a premium quality Jasmine Tea. It has a faint honey like sweetness but also with a tinge of spiciness.

RedCEL™ tea ingredients do not go through the process of fermentation during processing. The result of non fermentation is that the ingredients retain their naturally high anti-oxidant levels. Tea varieties such as RedCEL™ tea which are high in anti-oxidants have been proven scientifically to be effective at preventing a host of illnesses and diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

Boosts Hemoglobin Levels
RedCEL™ tea has the ability to significantly boost Hemoglobin levels among people who have anemic conditions. The mechanism behind this effect is yet to be fully understood.

Anti-sickling Properties
RedCEL™ tea has tremendous anti-sickling properties. Regular consumption of RedCEL™ tea has been associated with the prevention of the crisis and pain in people living with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).

Good for preventing Jaundice
People who have anemic conditions may have eyes that appear yellowish. And one remarkable benefit of regular consumption of RedCEL™ tea is the total elimination of jaundice and yellowish appearance of the eyes.

Other Significant Health Benefits
- RedCEL™ tea is a great anti-oxidant and stress reliever.
- RedCEL™ tea helps stabilize blood pressure.
- RedCEL™ tea helps manage glucose levels in people with diabetes.
- RedCEL™ tea helps promote better sleep.
- RedCEL™ tea enhances blood circulation.
- RedCEL™ tea is effective against common cold symptoms.
- RedCEL™ tea aids digestion of food.
- RedCEL™ tea boosts energy levels in a healthy and natural way.
- RedCEL™ tea enhances male sexual performance.
- RedCEL™ tea boosts the immune system.
- RedCEL™ tea treats skin infections.
- RedCEL™ tea has both antibacterial and anti-viral properties.

Nutritional Value
- RedCEL™ tea contains the nine amino acids which you ought to get from a good and healthy diet.
- RedCEL™ tea is a good source of lipoprotein which in high doses is known to protect against Cardiovascular disease.
- RedCEL™ tea is a good source of vitamins A, B, C, D, and E.
- RedCEL™ tea is good source of minerals such as Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Selenium, and Magnesium.
- RedCEL™ tea is a good source of protein.

No Caffeine
RedCEL™ tea contains no caffeine or stimulants which may cause health problems, and yet it is still able to boost energy levels in a natural way.

No Side Effects
To date there has not been any reported negative side effects from drinking RedCEL™ tea.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Buy RedCelTea for Sick Cell Disease Relief